Instead of the usual photo scavenger hunt, this idea involves sending groups of young people out with a less descriptive list of things to capture with a camera. It encourages them to be more creative...
For example
1. Everyone agreed that one look at THIS and you just knew all the beauty in the world was a gift from God.
2. No one could prove it, but THIS looked to be evidence of an overly-compassionate bunch of church youth!
3. Amazing! THIS is an exact duplicate of (insert youth leader's name) face found in nature/public.
4. All the townspeople agreed. THIS was truly a sign of God's love.
5. Police office Smith wasn't sure what to make of it, but she wrote down in her report: THIS is evidence of an "attempted servanthood with intent to cause smiles."
6. Surely THIS could only mean one thing: Harry Potter (or insert or famous name) had been here.
7. It was pretty obvious to the onlookers how THIS was going to end.
8. "Be Careful!" someone shouted at the group. "THIS could cause an unstoppable outbreak of peace in the world."
9. Who would have thought a youth group could do THIS and no one got arrested! (Okay, maybe you wouldn't want to use this one, but I think it's pretty funny.)
Add any extras you think of below
Youth Group Games was formed in 2005 with the aim of providing a collection of the best team building, ice breaker games, ideas and activities for Youth Group Leaders. Read more about us if you’re interested :)
Cool- Christy (20 Mar 2012)
Oh, my youth group did this. It was really fun :)
Everyone should do this!!
- Sydney (15 Aug 2012)
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