To prepare for this game, you need two balloons for each person in your group (plus some spares for those that might break whilst you're inflating them). Preferably the balloons should be two different colours (to represent two different teams). Tie two-foot-long strings to the ends of each balloon.
Give each person two balloons (of the same color) and have them tie one to each leg. Separate the teams on either side of the room/area.
When you say 'go', the kids must try to pop the balloons from the other team by stepping on them. When both your balloons have popped, you're out and must sit down.
The team with the last balloon remaining wins.
Youth Group Games was formed in 2005 with the aim of providing a collection of the best team building, ice breaker games, ideas and activities for Youth Group Leaders. Read more about us if you’re interested :)
This is a really cool game that i can use for my schools FCA!!!! Thanks bunches!!- Tbug (28 Jan 2010)
kids started crying because they were scared. not so great for elementary kids.
- kay (25 Apr 2010)
this is an enjoyable game. some kids are fun in playing but they quarrel the other team if they pop their balloons.
- abcde (15 Sep 2010)
this game is pretty fun. my church has played it before a couple of times. mostly the adults and kids (it was pretty fun watching the adults play it), but i think its time for the youth to try it for the next sleepover or activity!
- Stephanie (21 Nov 2010)
This is seriously a fun game, I remember playing it in a friends birthday party when i was a kid
- Roystan (1 Jan 2011)
This is an awesome game! I play it often - with children, teens as well as adults! Everyone loves it!
- Jessica (21 May 2012)
this games sounds like a real icebreaker
- Remicia (26 Oct 2012)
I LOVE THIS!!! What a great idea, reminds me of mario kart.
- Brad (15 Dec 2012)
I have played this game using glow stick bracelets fastened to a rope belt. It makes a fun night game for the older youth.
- Max G (14 Aug 2013)
...Haha ..Reminds Me Of Mario Kart..
- Solo Uchiha (29 Jan 2014)
This game is great I have done it in church with my kids
Try in a big room with lights out and have strobe light going on your phone it's great
- Erin New Life church (11 Feb 2014)
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