Highest Rated Youth Group Games

Youth Pastors, ministers, workers and volunteers have voted these games the best from our collection!
Total matches: 201
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Travel reportExplain to your group members that they are travel writers.  Ask them to introduce themselves and tell the group where in their travels... more>>>4 shiney stars
Geometry DrillThis icebreaker will help group members understand what it takes to lead a group.  It will also give kids a chance to get to know each... more>>>4 shiney stars
Get LostForm trios and have kids introduce themselves.  Then tell trio members to alphabetize their first names and make the person with the... more>>>4 shiney stars
Gifts for the JourneyForm pairs.  Say: "Imagine that you're going on a long journey and that you'll need lots of supplies. Now introduce... more>>>4 shiney stars
Interrogate the leaderA unique way of helping the group get to know their leaders!... more>>>4 shiney stars
Where were you?Have group members sit in a circle.  Then choose one person to be the Chief Inspector and instruct that person to stand in the centre... more>>>4 shiney stars
Five around the circleAn interesting way of having people in your group introduce each other to the rest of the group... more>>>4 shiney stars
I sure haveForm a circle and have a leader stand in the center.  Kids are to race to tag the leader if the statement you read is true of them. ... more>>>4 shiney stars

Frozen T'sThis game is literally an icebreaker!  It requires... more>>>4 shiney stars
Zoom ChameleonThis game is for when you are on a Zoom call. Choose one person to be the "chameleon" and send them a private message them to let... more>>>4 shiney stars
Zoom around the roomCovid 19 saw the need for Youth Leaders to think creatively about how to keep young people entertained during zoom calls, and one popular... more>>>4 shiney stars
Helium StickAn easy to run game with some fantastic lessons on working together in groups... more>>>4 shiney stars
Puzzle BarterFor this game, you'll need a few jigsaw puzzles of equal difficulty.  Split people into groups and give each group a jigsaw puzzle.... more>>>4 shiney stars
Lifesize BattleshipSplit your group into two teams. Setup the room with a divider down the middle (like a sheet) and play life-size battleship. Have people lie... more>>>4 shiney stars
SpoonsA fun card game for groups of various size... more>>>4 shiney stars
Musical clothesFor this game, you need a garbage bag full of old clothes (your local op shop is perfect for this).  Sit everyone in a circle,... more>>>4 shiney stars

Youth OlympicsWith the Tokyo Olympics coming up in 2020, it's an ideal time to incorporate an Olympic themed event in your Youth Group Calendar: ... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Drunk IntruderThis is not a game but an interesting 'event' you can use to generate some good discussion amongst your group.  I would only recommend... more>>>4 shiney stars
Brown Shoe BingoA bingo style game to help people mingle together... more>>>4 shiney stars
Chubby BunniesChubby Bunnies is a game involving marshmallows. It can get a bit messy! ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Total matches: 201
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