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Introduce a FriendI recently played this game with a group of people I'd never met and it worked really well as a get-to-know-you game.  Split... more>>>4 shiney stars
Heads down Thumbs UpI can clearly remember playing this game when I was about 9 or 10 years old.  It was my favorite game to play at school (in the classroom... more>>>4 shiney stars
Lego buildingHere's a quick and easy one to setup. All you need is some Lego, two rooms a little distance apart and three members in each team. In... more>>>4 shiney stars
Helium StickAn easy to run game with some fantastic lessons on working together in groups... more>>>4 shiney stars
Fast NamesHave kids quickly say their names to the group (the faster the better).   Then form two teams - Team 1 and Team 2 - and have... more>>>4 shiney stars
Where were you?Have group members sit in a circle.  Then choose one person to be the Chief Inspector and instruct that person to stand in the centre... more>>>4 shiney stars
Five around the circleAn interesting way of having people in your group introduce each other to the rest of the group... more>>>4 shiney stars
Stack EmHave everyone grab and chair and arrange themselves in a circle and sit in the seats.  The leader will call out "Everyone... more>>>3.5 shiney stars

CampsGrowing up in a church, without doubt camps were the events that had the most positive influence on my life.  Spending significant quality... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
My Secret IdentityGive each person a post-it note and ask them to write on it the name of someone well known to everyone in the group.  It could be a celebrity,... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
All StarsGive each person a piece of paper and have them draw a self-portrait. Ask them to put their name on it (in case it's not obvious who it is!).... more>>>4 shiney stars
He said She saidGive each person a pencil and piece of paper. Have each person start a story by writing one line.  They then must pass the piece... more>>>4 shiney stars
Get To Know You Naughts and CrossesA variation of naughts and crosses that will help you get to know people... more>>>4 shiney stars
Sit down if...Get everyone to stand up, then read through the following list.  The last person standing is the winner!Sit down if........ more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Grab the fingerGet everyone to stand in a circle, with their arms out either side.  Tell people to put their left palm up, and right finger pointing... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
GrogGROG is a very active, play after dark game. You also need a building that is conducive to running and hiding. The only equipment... more>>>4 shiney stars

Get LostForm trios and have kids introduce themselves.  Then tell trio members to alphabetize their first names and make the person with the... more>>>4 shiney stars
Interrogate the leaderA unique way of helping the group get to know their leaders!... more>>>4 shiney stars
Caterpillar RaceForm teams of equal size, with five to seven players on each team (3 also works). Have kids think up one-syllable names for their teams. Then... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
One wordForm pairs.  Have pairs sit on the floor and talk to each other by speaking one-word messages back and forth.  Suggest one of the... more>>>4 shiney stars
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