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Light in the darknessThis is a great, fun game for leading into topics like spiritual warfare, reaching the lost, etc.   This is best played with... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Guess the tasteThis is a pretty simple game - a good time filler or if you're having a rotation of short games. Get hold of a packet of those... more>>>4 shiney stars
Animal FarmThis is a quick, fun activity to divide your group into smaller groups.   Give each person a card or post-it note with the name... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
FreshThis is a really difficult game to describe how to play, but once you understand and get the hang of it, it really is a great game.  Fresh... more>>>4 shiney stars
Just One QuestionYou have just one question to ask to determine the suitability of an applicant.... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Drunk IntruderThis is not a game but an interesting 'event' you can use to generate some good discussion amongst your group.  I would only recommend... more>>>4 shiney stars
Dress UpThis isn't strictly a game but a group of ideas to help add a twist to any activity... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Worker AuctionThis is primarily a fundraising... more>>>4 shiney stars

Survivor NightA Survivor themed night for your group... more>>>4 shiney stars
Hunt the LeaderThis was one of my favorites.  We would take the youth group to a large shopping mall or main street (depending if it's day or night)... more>>>4 shiney stars
Elephant TagA simple tag based game requiring no equipment or preparation time... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Aardvark RelayTo play this game, you will need to divide the group into teams (the number of teams depends on the area you have available and group size).  You... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Balloon SmashTo prepare for this game, you need two balloons for each person in your group (plus some spares for those that might break whilst you're inflating... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Paper Ball GameTry this game if you need a creative way for a group to introduce themselves to each other.  Start out by giving each person... more>>>4 shiney stars
Rock Paper Scissors TournamentWe all know the Rock Paper Scissors game.  But can you... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Wink MurderWink Murder is a classic game that has been around for decades!   Everyone sits in a circle, and a leader goes and picks... more>>>4 shiney stars

Youth OlympicsWith the Tokyo Olympics coming up in 2020, it's an ideal time to incorporate an Olympic themed event in your Youth Group Calendar: ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Body spellerForm two or more teams.  Then have team members take turns standing in front of their teams and spelling out words or phrases for the team... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Crab SoccerSplit up into two teams.  Each team lines up on one side of a small soccer field, with goals at either end.  The goals can be proper... more>>>4 shiney stars
Lifesize BattleshipSplit your group into two teams. Setup the room with a divider down the middle (like a sheet) and play life-size battleship. Have people lie... more>>>4 shiney stars
Total matches: 201
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