Team Building Activities

Team Building Activities

Team Building Activities can do wonders for your group, from building relationships, developing trust, encouraging new friendships and helping kids feel more connected.

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The Amazing Race... to ChristThis idea is like similar to other amazing races but with a definite twist. ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Random Acts of KindnessThis isn't really a game but more a general... more>>>4 shiney stars
Underground ChurchThis game has been submitted by Joshua - thanks... more>>>4 shiney stars
Water Balloon TossSupplies Needed: Water Balloons Pair everyone up in two's. Have the group form two shoulder to shoulder lines with everyone facing... more>>>4 shiney stars
Human Table HockeyJust like the table top version (or foosball), the players have restricted movement. Mark with tape on the floor, player positions: 3... more>>>4 shiney stars
Frisbee GolfAs the name suggests, this game is just like golf, but with frisbees for balls and baskets for holes.   Get hold of as many baskets... more>>>4 shiney stars
WinningThis game is a great way to teach kids the importance of working as a team and cooperating.   The goal is for each team to finish... more>>>4 shiney stars
Lap SitThis game can be run with medium to large sized groups and is a good one to teach the concept of trust.   Make a big circle and... more>>>4 shiney stars

I've got mailThis game requires everyone to sit on seats in a circle.  A leader then makes a statement such as: "I've got mail for everyone... more>>>4 shiney stars
Play Ball(Idea from dinner time mister wolf) One kid stands up the front with his back to the group.   The rest of the group start... more>>>4 shiney stars
Cracker Ping Pong... more>>>4 shiney stars
All StarsGive each person a piece of paper and have them draw a self-portrait. Ask them to put their name on it (in case it's not obvious who it is!).... more>>>4 shiney stars
Human Hungry HippoMost people have... more>>>4 shiney stars
Egg DropA great game to encourage people to work together... more>>>4 shiney stars
Paper BuildingA team building exercise where teams aim to build the tallest paper tower... more>>>4 shiney stars
Blind DrawA drawing game to promote clear communication... more>>>4 shiney stars

A Perfect SquareFor this game you'll need a long rope and several blind folds. Gather the group together, have them sit in a circle and place their... more>>>4 shiney stars
Write a Story GameA game to encourage creative teamwork... more>>>4 shiney stars
Paper Airplane CompetitionA paper airplane contest is a simple yet enjoyable activity that can engage your youth group's creativity and sense of competition. It's a... more>>>4 shiney stars
Caterpillar RaceForm teams of equal size, with five to seven players on each team (3 also works). Have kids think up one-syllable names for their teams. Then... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
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