Highest Rated Youth Group Games

Youth Pastors, ministers, workers and volunteers have voted these games the best from our collection!
Total matches: 201
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Two sides of a coinThis game encourages people to see the good in things, by identifying a positive side to every situation... more>>>4 shiney stars
Paper BuildingA team building exercise where teams aim to build the tallest paper tower... more>>>4 shiney stars
Blind DrawA drawing game to promote clear communication... more>>>4 shiney stars
Just One QuestionYou have just one question to ask to determine the suitability of an applicant.... more>>>4 shiney stars
A Perfect SquareFor this game you'll need a long rope and several blind folds. Gather the group together, have them sit in a circle and place their... more>>>4 shiney stars
A Cold Wind BlowsSimilar to musical chairs or "Have you ever", this game involves the group sitting around... more>>>4 shiney stars
FictionaryThis game works best for groups of around 4-8 players. If you have a larger group, split into smaller groups of around this size. You... more>>>4 shiney stars
Paper Ball GameTry this game if you need a creative way for a group to introduce themselves to each other.  Start out by giving each person... more>>>4 shiney stars

ConcentrationA fun team game to test which of two teams is the best at concentrating!... more>>>4 shiney stars
Best Friends and Worst EnemiesA short fun physical game to help get people moving... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Chocolate GameThe youth should sit in a circle with a big bar of chocolate in the middle on a plate, next to it should be a large jacket (too big for the... more>>>4 shiney stars
Write a Story GameA game to encourage creative teamwork... more>>>4 shiney stars
Sardines"Sardines" is a fun and suspenseful variation of hide-and-seek that can be especially enjoyable for youth groups. In this game, one person... more>>>4 shiney stars
Paper Airplane CompetitionA paper airplane contest is a simple yet enjoyable activity that can engage your youth group's creativity and sense of competition. It's a... more>>>4 shiney stars
RelaysBasing a night / program around relays can be fun if you're creative.  Basic Relay Race Setup: Team Formation:... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Caterpillar RaceForm teams of equal size, with five to seven players on each team (3 also works). Have kids think up one-syllable names for their teams. Then... more>>>3.5 shiney stars

Body spellerForm two or more teams.  Then have team members take turns standing in front of their teams and spelling out words or phrases for the team... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Exciting life awardsThis game is a creative way for people to get to know each other in pairs and then in a wider group... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Photo nightSplit into groups of 4-5 (make sure there's one leader in each group), and give each group a camera (or they can use their phones if they... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
CategoriesEveryone needs a piece of paper and pen for this one.  Down the left hand side, write the following categories: TV... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Total matches: 201
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