Small Group Games

Finding games for small groups can be difficult, but have no fear - your search is over! This list includes those games ideal for groups of less than 10 people.

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Title  Detail  Rating  
Photo nightSplit into groups of 4-5 (make sure there's one leader in each group), and give each group a camera (or they can use their phones if they... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Who did it?This game is a good ice breaker activities for new groups where people may not know each other that well.  Hand out a pen and... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Guess the tasteThis is a pretty simple game - a good time filler or if you're having a rotation of short games. Get hold of a packet of those... more>>>4 shiney stars
Travel reportExplain to your group members that they are travel writers.  Ask them to introduce themselves and tell the group where in their travels... more>>>4 shiney stars
I didn't catch your nameA simple get-to-know-you game, ideal for groups where people don't know each other's names that well.  The aim of the game is to learn... more>>>4 shiney stars
Honey if you love meEveryone sits in a circle on chairs, and someone starts the game in the middle of the circle.  They pick someone (generally of... more>>>4 shiney stars
Musical clothesFor this game, you need a garbage bag full of old clothes (your local op shop is perfect for this).  Sit everyone in a circle,... more>>>4 shiney stars
RelaysBasing a night / program around relays can be fun if you're creative.  Basic Relay Race Setup: Team Formation:... more>>>3.5 shiney stars

Lego buildingHere's a quick and easy one to setup. All you need is some Lego, two rooms a little distance apart and three members in each team. In... more>>>4 shiney stars
Wink MurderWink Murder is a classic game that has been around for decades!   Everyone sits in a circle, and a leader goes and picks... more>>>4 shiney stars
Water Weight LossAlso known as StuffIt and HugIt You will need two large T-shirts that someone does not mind re-washing/donating. Two thin nylon ropes,... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Balloon SmashTo prepare for this game, you need two balloons for each person in your group (plus some spares for those that might break whilst you're inflating... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Dog Wash A ThonA unique fundraising idea guaranteed to be fun (and messy!)... more>>>4 shiney stars
Worker AuctionThis is primarily a fundraising... more>>>4 shiney stars
Do I know you?Pair up the children. In those pairs number them 1 and 2. Get number 1's to create a circle. Then number two's stand in the middle... more>>>4 shiney stars
Elephant TagA simple tag based game requiring no equipment or preparation time... more>>>3.5 shiney stars

Heads down Thumbs UpI can clearly remember playing this game when I was about 9 or 10 years old.  It was my favorite game to play at school (in the classroom... more>>>4 shiney stars
Halloween  Like it or not, Halloween is an annual... more>>>4 shiney stars
SnortSnort is a pretty simple game and loads of fun!Everyone starts in a circle facing inwards.  One player then "snorts" another... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Serve the LeadersServe the Leaders is a night we try and run towards the end of each year.  It works best with groups where you have a few older, capable... more>>>4 shiney stars
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