Team Building Activities

Team Building Activities

Team Building Activities can do wonders for your group, from building relationships, developing trust, encouraging new friendships and helping kids feel more connected.

Total matches: 85
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Title  Detail  Rating  
Human Rock Paper ScissorsIf you don't know the game "Rock Paper Scissors", it involves two players selecting then simultaneously revealing their choice of Paper, Rock... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Lap SitThis game can be run with medium to large sized groups and is a good one to teach the concept of trust.   Make a big circle and... more>>>4 shiney stars
Blanket VolleyballAn interesting and fun variation to the more traditional style of volleyball... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
My Secret IdentityGive each person a post-it note and ask them to write on it the name of someone well known to everyone in the group.  It could be a celebrity,... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
I've got mailThis game requires everyone to sit on seats in a circle.  A leader then makes a statement such as: "I've got mail for everyone... more>>>4 shiney stars
Play Ball(Idea from dinner time mister wolf) One kid stands up the front with his back to the group.   The rest of the group start... more>>>4 shiney stars
Gargle a tuneBring three or four people up the front.  Show each person (discreetly) the name of a well known song.  One at a time, they then... more>>>4 shiney stars
Banana SurgerySplit your group up into smaller... more>>>3.5 shiney stars

Cracker Ping Pong... more>>>4 shiney stars
Birdie on a PerchAsk everyone to find a partner so everyone is paired up in groups of two. Have them decide who is the birdie and who is the perch. All... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Giant Board GamesAs the title suggests, this idea for a game involves creating a 'giant' version of your favorite board game or games.  Games that work... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
All StarsGive each person a piece of paper and have them draw a self-portrait. Ask them to put their name on it (in case it's not obvious who it is!).... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Green Glass DoorThe Green Glass Door is a fun activity involving guessing what can go through the Green Glass Door.... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
BaconSimilar to football and ultimate, two teams try to get the “Bacon” to the other side of the field... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Human Hungry HippoMost people have... more>>>4 shiney stars
Egg DropA great game to encourage people to work together... more>>>4 shiney stars

Paper BuildingA team building exercise where teams aim to build the tallest paper tower... more>>>4 shiney stars
Blind DrawA drawing game to promote clear communication... more>>>4 shiney stars
A Perfect SquareFor this game you'll need a long rope and several blind folds. Gather the group together, have them sit in a circle and place their... more>>>4 shiney stars
Streets and AlleysA good physical chasing game... more>>>4 shiney stars
Total matches: 85
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