Most Popular Youth Group Games

These games are the most viewed games from our collection. Enjoy! :)
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Title  Detail  Rating  
Where were you?Have group members sit in a circle.  Then choose one person to be the Chief Inspector and instruct that person to stand in the centre... more>>>4 shiney stars
Down Down DownA simple easy to play ball game ... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Keep the Balloon upEveryone stands in a circle, and throw... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Grab that thingThe host of the night has to make a list of objects that you would expect the audience to have with them or objects that is around that area... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Lifesize BattleshipSplit your group into two teams. Setup the room with a divider down the middle (like a sheet) and play life-size battleship. Have people lie... more>>>4 shiney stars
Here I SitAll people sit in a circle on chairs. There is one extra chair in the circle. A person sitting next to the spare chair starts by moving into... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
PoisonPoison is a good physical game to get people moving.  It's also not as dangerous as it sounds!... more>>>4 shiney stars
Exciting life awardsThis game is a creative way for people to get to know each other in pairs and then in a wider group... more>>>3.5 shiney stars

The sun shines onSit on the floor in a circle. Someone (we suggest a leader) starts in the middle and says "The sun shines on people who (choose an attribute... more>>>4 shiney stars
Interrogate the leaderA unique way of helping the group get to know their leaders!... more>>>4 shiney stars
Toss a name gameStand everyone in a circle.  The leader then says his/her name and then throws a tennis ball to the person to their left. ... more>>>4 shiney stars
He said She saidGive each person a pencil and piece of paper. Have each person start a story by writing one line.  They then must pass the piece... more>>>4 shiney stars
Line up This game is good if you need a quick 5 minute icebreaker or time filler. It works best for groups of 10 or more people. The leader... more>>>4 shiney stars
Gifts for the JourneyForm pairs.  Say: "Imagine that you're going on a long journey and that you'll need lots of supplies. Now introduce... more>>>4 shiney stars
Record breaking nightThe whole concept is to have a series of 'records' and try and break them.  Ideas or examples include: who has... more>>>4 shiney stars
Photo nightSplit into groups of 4-5 (make sure there's one leader in each group), and give each group a camera (or they can use their phones if they... more>>>3.5 shiney stars

Who did it?This game is a good ice breaker activities for new groups where people may not know each other that well.  Hand out a pen and... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
True or FalseThis game is perfect for large groups.  Start... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Guess the tasteThis is a pretty simple game - a good time filler or if you're having a rotation of short games. Get hold of a packet of those... more>>>4 shiney stars
Travel reportExplain to your group members that they are travel writers.  Ask them to introduce themselves and tell the group where in their travels... more>>>4 shiney stars
Total matches: 201
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