Outdoor Games for Youth

Outdoor Games

Not every game that works indoors will work outdoors. Here is a list of games and activities specifically for when you're headed outdoors!

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Newspaper in shoeNot really a game but a good thought provoking activity that can work well at the end of a devotional or youth service. Collect a... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Paper Airplane CompetitionA paper airplane contest is a simple yet enjoyable activity that can engage your youth group's creativity and sense of competition. It's a... more>>>4 shiney stars
Pass the parcelEveryone's heard of "Pass the Parcel", so you might think this sounds a bit lame as a youth group game, but it can work well if you add a... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Peanut Butter RiverFor this game you need two ropes to represent the banks of a river. The goal is to have the group cross the river. Give the team... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Photo nightSplit into groups of 4-5 (make sure there's one leader in each group), and give each group a camera (or they can use their phones if they... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Play Ball(Idea from dinner time mister wolf) One kid stands up the front with his back to the group.   The rest of the group start... more>>>4 shiney stars
PoisonPoison is a good physical game to get people moving.  It's also not as dangerous as it sounds!... more>>>4 shiney stars
Random Acts of KindnessThis isn't really a game but more a general... more>>>4 shiney stars

Record breaking nightThe whole concept is to have a series of 'records' and try and break them.  Ideas or examples include: who has... more>>>4 shiney stars
RelaysBasing a night / program around relays can be fun if you're creative.  Basic Relay Race Setup: Team Formation:... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Reverse photo scavenger huntInstead of the usual photo scavenger hunt, this idea involves... more>>>4 shiney stars
Rock Paper Scissors TournamentWe all know the Rock Paper Scissors game.  But can you... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Sardines"Sardines" is a fun and suspenseful variation of hide-and-seek that can be especially enjoyable for youth groups. In this game, one person... more>>>4 shiney stars
Shave the balloonDivide into groups of 3 or 4. Each group gets a balloon covered in shaving cream, and a razor.  Their job is to shave the balloon. ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Stack EmHave everyone grab and chair and arrange themselves in a circle and sit in the seats.  The leader will call out "Everyone... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Survivor NightA Survivor themed night for your group... more>>>4 shiney stars

Tape GrabBefore your students arrive, rip 3-4 inch pieces of colored tape (1 color per team... We usually play with two teams). Fold over about a half... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
The Amazing Race... to ChristThis idea is like similar to other amazing races but with a definite twist. ... more>>>4 shiney stars
The JoustPut people into groups of two.  You'll need two stockings (or knee highs), eggs, and 2 foam swimming noodles. Within... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Moooo gameTake a 3 youths to be out of earshot. Explain to the rest of the youth that when the first youth player(a) comes back in the room that he/she... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
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