Youth Group Games

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Do I know you?Pair up the children. In those pairs number them 1 and 2. Get number 1's to create a circle. Then number two's stand in the middle... more>>>4 shiney stars
Do you love your neighborGet everyone to sit in a circle and have one... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Do you really know me?Everyone needs a pen and paper. Have everyone sit in a circle and place a bowl in the center. To start, everyone writes down one thing that... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
DodgeballA classic youth game that needs to be played in a place where balls cannot cause too much damage!... more>>>4 shiney stars
Dog Wash A ThonA unique fundraising idea guaranteed to be fun (and messy!)... more>>>4 shiney stars
Down Down DownA simple easy to play ball game ... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Dress UpThis isn't strictly a game but a group of ideas to help add a twist to any activity... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Drop the lidA huge favorite amongst young people, this is a circle based game involving a lid and holding hands... more>>>4 shiney stars

Egg DropA great game to encourage people to work together... more>>>4 shiney stars
Elephant TagA simple tag based game requiring no equipment or preparation time... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Encouragement GameA potentially life changing game to help encourage and uplift people... more>>>4 shiney stars
Event in HistoryA simple icebreaker game best suited to older teens or young adult groups... more>>>4 shiney stars
Exciting life awardsThis game is a creative way for people to get to know each other in pairs and then in a wider group... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Extreme WallyballThis game involves a medium to large size room, a beach ball and 2-3 long tables and 8-12 folding chairs. To set up, place the tables... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Fast NamesHave kids quickly say their names to the group (the faster the better).   Then form two teams - Team 1 and Team 2 - and have... more>>>4 shiney stars
FictionaryThis game works best for groups of around 4-8 players. If you have a larger group, split into smaller groups of around this size. You... more>>>4 shiney stars

Five around the circleAn interesting way of having people in your group introduce each other to the rest of the group... more>>>4 shiney stars
FormalThis page is a collection of ideas to make your Youth Group formal a memorable one.... more>>>4 shiney stars
Four CornersA similar game to Heads or Tails, this game involves a process of elimination! You'll... more>>>4 shiney stars
FreshThis is a really difficult game to describe how to play, but once you understand and get the hang of it, it really is a great game.  Fresh... more>>>4 shiney stars
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