Indoor Games

Indoor games If the weather is bad or it's simply too dark to head outdoors, these indoor games should suit when you're stuck inside!
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Tic Tac Toe TriviaPreparation: List of questionsTic Tac Toe board Large Area (inside or outside) Youth will be split up into two groups-... more>>>4 shiney stars
Toilet brush hockey  This is a simple, low cost version of hockey. It will cost around $20 for supplies. Supplies Needed: One... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Toilet roll gameSplit into groups of 5-12 people.  ... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Toss a name gameStand everyone in a circle.  The leader then says his/her name and then throws a tennis ball to the person to their left. ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Trading BeansThis game is a good five minute game to encourage people to mingle.  It requires several packets of jelly beans (depending on the size... more>>>4 shiney stars
Travel reportExplain to your group members that they are travel writers.  Ask them to introduce themselves and tell the group where in their travels... more>>>4 shiney stars
Trivia nightA trivia night can take many forms, from being a fundraiser... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
True or FalseThis game is perfect for large groups.  Start... more>>>3.5 shiney stars

Trust FallSplit people into groups of three.   Two people face each other and interlock hands. Put a blindfold on the 3rd person.  They... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Two extremesA game of two extremes!  This is a simple ice breaker to get people up and moving and sharing their preferences or views on topics. ... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Two Truths and a LieA great get to know you game! Everyone in the group has to think of three things to share about themselves - 2 must be true but one... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Ultimate Duck Duck GooseMost people are aware of or have played Duck Duck Goose. If you haven't, a quick summary - everyone sits on the ground in a circle. One person... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Underground ChurchThis game has been submitted by Joshua - thanks... more>>>4 shiney stars
Wall BallEach player gets a ball and stands in a line facing a gym wall, so that each player is about 10 feet away from the wall. At a signal,... more>>>4 shiney stars
Watch your wordsFor this game you need a few tubes of toothpaste Ask youth to take all the toothpaste out of the tube as quick as possible into a... more>>>4 shiney stars
Water Balloon TossSupplies Needed: Water Balloons Pair everyone up in two's. Have the group form two shoulder to shoulder lines with everyone facing... more>>>4 shiney stars

Where were you?Have group members sit in a circle.  Then choose one person to be the Chief Inspector and instruct that person to stand in the centre... more>>>4 shiney stars
Who am IFor this activity you need some stickers (address labels), post-it notes or just some paper and tape.   On each sticker, write... more>>>4 shiney stars
Who did it?This game is a good ice breaker activities for new groups where people may not know each other that well.  Hand out a pen and... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Wink emPlace chairs in a circle facing inward and have all the girls (or guys) sit down.  One guy needs to stand behind each girl. One guy should... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
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